August 5, 2007

New Car!

I took my 1994 Honda Civic Si to the dealership for some maintenance and, as I had feared, several thousand dollars worth of work needed to be done. Seeing as the car was only worth about $1K, Liz and I decided it was time for a new car.
Lo and behold, this beautiful, Certified Used 2007 Civic Si Coupe was on the lot, just waiting for me. Four hours later, I drove off in it. What a great car! 197 horsepower, 6-speed manual transmission, Z-rated alloy wheels, and a red-line at an astonishing 8000 rpms - this thing screams! The 7 speaker, 350 watt stereo with subwoofer makes it a real joy to drive. Awesome!
This also gave me an excuse to figure out how to post photographs to the blog. (Gee, that wasn't difficult at all!)
Maybe I'll go for a drive...


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM


    Your new car looks great! Actually, it was also really nice to see your driveway---brings back fond memories of the times I've pulled up there, drums in tow!

  2. Sweet ride, G. Really nice. Funny, I imagine it with 12-inch speakers in the back.
