July 16, 2012

Spectrum Culture

About a month ago I was contacted by David Harris, Editor-in-Chief at Spectrum Culture, regarding the possibility of my writing about music for their website. This came as quite a surprise to me; apparently, they read my blog and liked my writing enough to ask me to participate--how could I say no?

Well, my first piece was posted today: a (rave) review of Chris Forsyth's solo-electric guitar CD, Kenzo Deluxe (out on Northern Spy Records).You can read it here.

If you've noticed the blog content has been sort of thin lately, this development is partly to blame. I'm not used to writing on demand, with deadlines and editors and all that (at least outside the law office), so this is all new to me. It's funny: I did not seek this out--I never set out to be a writer, it just sort of happened--but I see it as an opportunity to take my writing to another level. I hope to keep the blog going as well, with the usual playlist on Saturdays and (occasional) Sun Ra Sundays, but it will definitely be a challenge!

Anyway, there's some exciting stuff in the pipeline. I'll let you know when they run!

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